The development of the World Program for Human Rights Education will be discussed at the Samarkand Global Forum » Новостной портал Infozakon
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The development of the World Program for Human Rights Education will be discussed at the Samarkand Global Forum

The development of the World Program for Human Rights Education will be discussed at the Samarkand Global Forum

What will Phase 5 of the World Program for Human Rights Education consist of? Ideas that can form the basis of the World Program for Human Rights Education will be discussed by the participants of the Global Forum "Human Rights Education", which will be held in Samarkand on December 5-6, 2022.

As is known, the launch of the World Program for Human Rights Education was given on December 10, 2004 at the UN General Assembly. Coordination of the implementation of the World Education Program at the global level is entrusted to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The World Program for Human Rights Education is an ongoing initiative. To help this process reach all areas of life, it is critical that countries implement human rights education in primary and secondary schools, higher education institutions, teachers and activists, public service, law enforcement and the military, and in the media.

The World Program is a useful tool to help strengthen the implementation of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education at the national level.

The implementation of the Program covers several stages, which are carried out at the global and national levels.

  • The first stage (2005-2009) covered the integration of human rights education into the system of primary and secondary schools;
  • The second stage (2010-2014) was devoted to the integration of human rights education into the higher education system and the training of teachers and educators, civil society institutions and government agencies, law enforcement officers, military personnel in this field;
  • During the third stage (2015-2019), special attention was paid to the training of media representatives and opinion leaders in the field of human rights, recognizing the important role of free, independent and impartial media in promoting justice, preventing discrimination, ensuring respect and freedom;
  • The fourth stage (2020-2024) focuses on educating young people in the spirit of equality, human rights and non-discrimination, as well as providing education to create an inclusive, peaceful and peaceful society.

The Resolution of the UN Human Rights Council dated October 6, 2022 noted the positive initiatives of various parties during the implementation of the Fourth Stage, recommendations were made to intensify the implementation of the stages of the World Education Program in all areas.

 This Resolution raises the issue of formulating proposals for the next fifth stage of the World Education Program in the field of human rights. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is recommended to seek the views of all UN structures, states, civil society institutions and stakeholders on this topic.

Such a task was set as one of the main ones and before the participants of the Global Forum "Human Rights Education" in Uzbekistan. This reflects the relevance of the Samarkand Forum, where issues of global significance, important for all mankind, and the further global development of human rights education will be considered.

Press service of the National Human Rights

Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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